Thursday, February 25, 2010

How Penny Auction Differs From An Ordinary Bidding

Offer of a price against a product is called bidding. When the bidding is done on World Wide Web then it is called online bidding. Raising a price is common in traditional bidding process. It may be intentional by the seller or retailer. In a penny auction, the willing bidders pay a non refundable price of bidding. The bidders bid against an item. The initial price is set to one penny that increases by another single penny each time new bid submitted for the same item. The final price is paid by the bidder who bids lastly before the tie is over. The winner of the bid pays amount that is much lower than the retail price of the product.

The main difference between ordinary online auction and penny auction is that on the ordinary auction site the bid money is raised to the higher amount and bidder who offers maximum price wins the bid. Penny auction sites control the mounting price of the bids and restrict them to one penny at one step only. Penny auctions are occupying the auction world. Auction websites are everywhere on the net to

Penny auctions are occupying the auction world. Auction websites are everywhere on the net to offer products and services to the prospective buyers. All carry packages to attract customers. They are also getting their profits by collecting the money paid by the bidders as the bid fee and the final cost of the product.

As the money matters are tight throughout the world, people are diverting their attention towards penny auction instead of ordinary bidding websites. Ordinary bidding cost a huge amount to the winning bidder as it carries the participating fee cost of the product and the shipping charges. These websites have their own interests and sometimes the automated programs are run by the site owners to raise the bid price automatically. Sometimes the employees participate to bid on again and again with a high offer price to buy the item. In this way the final cost of the article becomes high enough as compared to the retail price.

Penny auctions also offer free bids on the purchase of the packet that can be utilized while trading at the reward store. The products there are also available at cut price.

Paying in pennies of the item of your own choice is profitable or wasting time in ordinary bidding play..? The choice is yours.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Win More in Less Dollars - Penny Bidding

What is the most interesting thing in life? To gain maximum against minimum! While buying in the market one has to look again and again in his wallet. Getting the products of one’s own choice is becoming difficult when you think in terms of money you pay.

Penny auction is a revolution for the shopaholics. Just sitting in front of computer and bidding for some items at a bidding website and finally winning the item is a great feeling at all. It is entertaining for the people to become part of the online auction who have never thought of participating in bidding in real life.

Online bidding provides a bidder to select the items of his choice and start trying to win that. He has to pay some fee for entrance into the online auction fun. Certain auction websites offer services in this regard. On registration the bidder gets bundle of bids which he can utilize while bidding or trading at the reward corner in case of losing. Penny bidding raises the cost of the item by a single penny for every bid failed before the time limit is over and re- auctioned by another bidder.

Dealing in pennies for an item, which in original cost a huge amount would be the great desire of a buyer. He gets his thing for nothing, he saves time, he orders across the borders, and he wins, what other can make you happy. The bidding websites are flooded with traders and ordinary people getting registered and the rate is increasing day by day.

Monday, February 22, 2010

User Friendly Bidding Website

Online auctions have become much popular these days and many people are involved in online bidding on various platforms. We all know that the main purpose of an online auction website is to display and offer products to the users for bidding, but what makes an auction website exceptional and worthy enough to be user friendly in every way?

Here are some of the most glaring aspects that make a bidding website user-oriented:

· Should have an easily navigational interface

· Should offer products openly and clearly

· Should provide an interaction channel between the site owner and the bidder

· Should have clearly stated policies to assure bidders safety

· Should be clear in their shipping and delivery terms and conditions

· Should be provide all information a user may encounter while bidding

· Should have easy bidding techniques to eliminate users’ confusions

The one thing restricting users from joining an online auction is that they are deprived of all the above mentioned features. Keeping this user feasibility in mind, Bid66 penny auction website is formulated. This website contains all the elements a user is seeking in an online auction from easy navigational structure to clearly stated terms and policies along with complete user guidance.